Service in Three Centuries
The story of the military service of Bowmanville people from the Napoleonic Wars through to the UN and Peacekeepers of today (up to 2008).
Category: Books - History
This was a sesqui-centennial project by members of the Bowmanville Legion, Br. 178.
The story of the military service of Bowmanville people from the Napoleonic Wars through to the UN and Peacekeepers of today (up to 2008). Includes chapters: Pre 1900, WW1 (with a section on the nursing sisters who worked at the front lines), WW2, Korea, UN and Peacekeeping Forces. A must read for people with roots in the town of Bowmanville.
$15.00 while supplies last. Proceeds go to support the Museum of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 178, Bowmanville.