Plant and Gardening Books

The Natural Gardener

The Natural Gardener

Find out how to let Mother Nature look after your garden, and how you can help her do it!

Bees are our special friends and helpers, so grow plants that attract them. Without bees our gardens would not be pollinated and we’d have no fruit or vegetables. Butterflies, too help pollinate our gardens, and they look so lovely flitting from flower to flower!

Learn how to identify some of our most populous species and how to grow what they like.


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Companion Planting

Companion Planting

A comprehensive listing of what plants like to be planted together for optimum health, and what plants do not like one another and will likely kill one another if planted too closely together.

Companion Planting also explains which plants deter or attract a variety of bugs, etc. A good gardening companion.


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Identifying Heritage Apples Across Ontario

Identifying Heritage Apples Across Ontario

Ever wondered what variety those “wild apples” are that you go and find every fall?

Well now you can find out! Listed county by county (alphabetically) then township by township, you will easily be able to identify most wild apples you find. The book features 77 varieties in full colour at the back of the book.


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Edible Wild Plants

Edible Wild Plants

Treat yourself to some natural foods – cattails, wild ginger, dandelion fritters – mother nature has supplied us with tasty treats – why not make a burdock pie? Find out how!


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Medicinal Wild Plants

WW1 Nursing Sisters of Old Durham County

Look after your health the natural way using wild plants. Treat the common cold, stop coughs, fix loose bowels, ease arthritis, keep your hair bright, treat sores on your pets, treat sunburn and much, much more!


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Dyeing with wild plants

Dyeing With Wild Plants

Commercial dyes are harsh, once you’ve seen the colours that mother nature gives us with plants like hyssop, walnut leaf, day lily, and many more. 36 plants are described in this book, with instructions on how to dye yarn or cloth. You won’t believe the colours you can get!


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Need help with family research?

Or do you require a speaker on local history, gardening or genealogy? Sher presents to a variety of groups including PROBUS clubs, museums and libraries, historical and genealogical societies, seniors' groups/clubs, church groups and service clubs.  Sher also does Zoom meetings as well as 'in person' meetings. Questions, comments and inquiries welcome!
