Lots to talk about today….. an update on the evening with Peter Klose to start with.
After Peter’s presentation we were able to gather other information. What was listed as the Ivory Woollen Mill turns out to have been the Wilmot Tannery – a close look at an old map gave us the correct information. After hearing Peter’s presentation, the Society has decided to have the site checked with Ground Penetrating Radar – GPR for short. We will start fund-raising for that shortly.
Well, spring is finally here in Bowmanville. The forsythia bloomed the other day, and Saturday, while we were in Barrie, the cherries blossomed! Here’s what the yard looks like today…
It was so nice I went out and cultivated one of my four veggie beds and planted potatoes and onions. Perhaps on Wednesday I will get the other three beds cultivated – doubt they will be planted this week. I still have to get over to the Allotment and get those beds cultivated too! They are also raised beds so not a lot or work needed there. The wind storm of a week or so ago knocked down the trellis I had at my allotment so I have to get that back in place – a great place to grow squash!! Yes, squash – grow them up a trellis (tie them up as the vines grow) and support the squash with the toe of panty hose tied on the trellis. Works great! Not for Hubbard squash though – they get a little too heavy!
Son Stephan has been taking a Special Effects course at Seneca College in Scarborough. Every now and then I have sat as his model while he works his magic on me…here’s the last one.
OGS (Ontario Genealogical Society) Conference is coming up June 1-3. Nearly ready for that weekend. It is being held at Guelph University this year. Hope everyone can come out for it – even if all you do is come to the market place – that bit is free to the public and you can find all sorts of wonderful books and genealogical records.
Before that, however, is the sale and spring event, May 27th at Wesleyville, over near Port Hope on the Lakeshore Road. The old church has been restored and the school and the Y-house (it’s Y shaped) are now being rented from OPG – so there should be tours of both places. The lawn of the church will be filled with vendors, so I hope everyone can come out and support the work of the volunteers who are restoring the village. Big Job! Keep your fingers crossed that the weather holds – we have had lovely weather every other year, so it will likely be nice that day too!
Talk to you again in a week or so.