Believe it or not, it is almost apple season! In just a few weeks the old Heritage summer apples will be ready. These include:
Red Astrachan
Early Joe
Early Harvest
Lowland Raspberry
Summer Rose
Sweet Bough and…
Yellow Transparent
Throughout July and August these varieties will ripen and will be ready for picking, each coming ripe at some point during these two months.
If you are foraging, as I do, you will need to go out every weekend during the summer so you don’t miss these delicate apples. Some of my readers may be wondering just where to look for these tasty treats.
Most often, summer apples were grown for home use – a few were grown for the local market, or the fruit and veg stand at the end of the farm lane. So, if you know where there was an old farm house, look close to the house for your summer apples. Often this can be identified by a lilac tree which would also have been grown near the house – sometimes beside the outhouse to help mask the aroma!
A copy of the book can be ordered from me. The book is $25 with $7 postage and I will put a copy in the mail the same day as I get your order or early the next morning.
Looking forward to hearing from a whole bunch of you! Good luck with this year’s foraging! I’ve been gathering vintage apple recipes in anticipation of this year’s crop!