I think I said that once before, then lost track of time and never got back to the blog…..
This time I hope I’m right. I’ve made myself a schedule and I’ve been following it very well, getting all kinds of work accomplished including two novels I’ve been working on for years!!

I’ve been reformatting the first six books that I wrote – the Brief Histories of the townships of the Old Durham County. Quite a chore – but I’m half way through now. Soon to come from the print shop. The first three are available now – have a look.
I’ve also learned to use Zoom – makes life easier, doesn’t it!! If you haven’t tried it, you should. This has been a real year for learning. I’ve also learned how to make videos – just little short ones, and as soon as I have them on u-tube or Vimeo, I’ll post the links here. They’re just little promos for some of my books, which you may or may not want to go and see.
I’ve been conducting two Zoom classes this spring – Creative Writing and Memoir Writing. These have been 8 week courses and will be repeated again in the fall for anyone who would like to take them. Contact A Gift of Art in Newcastle for registration in the next session.
Following these two courses, will be Genealogy for Beginners – another 8 week course also on Zoom. Lots of time to register for that one.
Most of the Genealogical Conferences are still online only – OGS, Gen-o-rama, and BIFISGO. So far I will have a presence in all the marketplace’s for these conferences, or you can simply go to the website and order your genealogy books there.
I’m also going to have a presence at the Pickering Arts Festival this year – again, an online festival – but it’s fun to troll the websites and see all the artists and writers and view some of the their work, and read their stories. Actually, this area is known for it’s talented people!! As each of these events happen I will put a link on this blog to the virtual event.
I have set myself a schedule so that all the things I have to accomplish in a week actually get done. Not much “sitting around time” included in it, but I AM getting everything done that needs to be done, including making time to BLOG. I keep repeating my new catch phrase… “schedules are good!….schedules are good!” So far it’s working. Don’t know what I’ll do when I get out into the garden… any day now – the sun locally has been WONDERFUL these past few days!!
Anyway, I’m getting saddle sores – talk to you again shortly (weekly I hope!)